Why can’t I find the case I am looking for?
If you have logged in to your account and you can’t find the
case you are looking for, please ensure that you have clicked the tab called CASES:
When you log in to your account, by default you will arrive
at the “TO-DO” page, which shows you the cases that have new and unread
comments. In order to see ALL of your cases, you should click on the CASES tab.
If you are still having trouble finding the case you posted,
please send an email to our support team at telemedicine@toronto.msf.org
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User Manual: Case Management Service
English Version: Version française:
Briefing Note for MSF Staff: Case Management Service
This 1-page document provides an overview of the MSF Telemedicine Case Management Platform, how it works, who can use it, and what to expect. English Version: Version française:
What is the status of my case?
You can see the status of your case in the Cases and TO-DO tabs of your account:
How do I close a case?
When do I close a case? A case should be closed when no further discussion is required. This may occur when the case no longer requires specialist input, or simply because the patient has left the facility and there will be no further updates to the ...
How do I post a new case?
Before you post, you must ensure that you have obtained the patient’s consent to upload their information on the secure Telemedicine platform to discuss with specialists. Step 1: Login to your Telemedicine account (if you are having difficulties ...